I’m Evynne — a designer living in Omaha, NE. I specialize in web design & branding, but I also get freaky with UI/UX design, illustration, print design, & creative direction.
When I’m not designing, I’m probably riding my bike, exploring new places, going on a walk, working in my garden, or watching The X-files.

Spookily interested in all things…



& tech
When you boil it down, I’m a sucker for bloody good design, magical brand messages, spine-chilling CSS, ghoulish research, & uncanny information design.

My Special design Recipe:
- 5 parts cohesiveness
- 3 parts variety
- 2 parts innovation
- 1 part charm
- 1 pinch of timelessness
Boil it up in your design cauldron & voila! Perfection!
(Bonus points if the moon is full).

shoot me a message:
connect with me:
Currently working at John McNeil Studio as a Senior Designer. For any freelance design work and/or consulting inquiries, please use my contact form to reach out.
Made with ♥ in Omaha, NE, USA